So summer has come, and thus I begin my search for part-time summer employment. I would love a 20-hr/week office gig, but I’ll take anything that doesn’t include standing, selling, or restocking accessories. My soul can’t take but so much “customer service” either, but I understand that compromise is necessary.
In a perfect world, I would either find a receptionist job in a laid-back South Char. office that pays $13 an hour and runs 9-5 3 days a week, or I would get off my duff and finally start hustling these t-shirts, purses, and earrings with a profit-inducing fervor. Someone found this site last week searching for “biracial t-shirts” (how did that happen?) and I think that’s a sign. Plus I would love my life so much if I could find the time to create my DC/NYC wardrobe from elbow grease and freeness rather than buying it with sadness and cash (that exists only as long as Visa and I continue to carry on this charade). I think I actually have all the raw materials I need… except time and confidence.
So… can I put you down as a reference?