I have been duped — multiple times over — by Amazon Prime. I signed up for a 30-day free trial so I could get expedited shipping on some stuff I needed for a trip I was taking this summer, but forgot to cancel before they charged the $80 annual fee. (And no, I didn’t realize until tonight that I could have just cancelled it if I’d never used it.) That’s dupe 1. Dupe 2 is that I’ve been buying a lot more on Amazon since, just to take advantage of the “free” Prime shipping. Hair supplies, gifts, most of Kristin’s reading list for the school year. I did catch a come up on three Kinect games for $50… that saved me $100 plus shipping by itself. I’m sure the Prime has paid for itself by now, but at the cost of my increased purchasing… which is just what they wanted!
Books are what got me onto Amazon in the first place, since it made purchasing textbooks and required reading for college so much cheaper. I’ve also been ordering a lot more casual reading… since the shipping is free, why not spend $5 on something that looks interesting? Since I like to read, and I like other people to read what I’m reading (so I can have someone to nerd out with), I’m selfishly unselfishly opening up my Prime shipping to the masses… or just the masses who bother to read my stuff.
So anyone who’s a fan of KinkyThought on the Facespace as of January 3rd gets added to my benevolent reading list, meaning I just might randomly send you something you’d find interesting via Amazon Prime between now and my re-up date in July.? Not on Facebook? I find that kind of weird, but whatever. Follow me on Twitter instead, I guess? Reply to the post? I don’t know. Network in whatever bizarre ways people who aren’t on FB do.
And remember… you MIGHT NOT get anything out of me between here and June but newfangled fuckery and darn good writing. Or you might get this. It’s only 7 dollars.