It’s so late and I’m so tired, but… just.. ugh. This thing about Kill Whitey Parties came across my desk and while I can always formulate a response, I’m too tired to write it out. I just want the record to show that the topic has been duly noted and shall be commented upon within the day.
I am also extremely concerned about the current weather conditions in New Orleans. From my understanding, everyone who is unable to make it out of the area is being put inside the SuperDome. I know that N.O. has to have a few skyscrapers or something… the wisdom of herding thousands of frightened people into an enclosed stadium is eluding me. Apparently everyone is being seated in the upper rows of seats because the field may flood as well, but can you imagine the panic that could break out inside that place if that happens? It doesn’t matter how far up people are; if water starts covering the field, there will probably be more injury and loss of life due to people trying to rush up or out of the place. I just pray that the storm is not as bad as it’s expected to be andeven if it does reach that point, a bad situation won’t turn even worse.
My mom and I were thinking about it, and we concluded that the following steps might be useful in a time of crisis and mandatory evacuation:
- open up the other lanes of highways for outgoing traffic. There only needs to be one lane for incoming.
- use the city’s school and public busses to evacuate people who otherwise can’t leave their homes for lack of transportation.
- people always go crazy stockpiling water and nonperishables before the evacuation order, but then end up leaving the stuff in their homes when they do evacuate. Round up all that stuff somehow and send it along on the busses or to shelters.
Or maybe FEMA has considered these things already. I doubt it, though.