So it goes, I got the job in the Student Media offices and there’s no way they can not hire me to work on the staff. I mean, how many other top-shelf writer/designers can they find on this campus? None as fly as me, I’m sure.
This means that I’m on my way toward not being quite so broke (living without a scholarship is a BITCH!) and I might have enough money to replenish my wardrobe and get a new camera before the 2005 LaSherinielle NC-DC Eastern Seaboard Homecoming Birthday Extravaganza of the Ages. What is this event? I turn 21 on October 16, a date nestled ever so sexily between NCA&T’s Homecoming weekend (at which I made my debut appearance last year) and Howard U’s Homecoming weekend (at which I wild out every year like they’re giving me a degree). To add to the love, Howard’s playing A&T for their game. I’m not ashamed to say that my only priorities between 10/13 and 10/23 will be catching my respective flights and staying as lit as possible. Oh, you thought last year was crunk? You’ve never seen me legally twisted. You know my people: we play no games. I’m bringing the A-game sexy, there may be a houseboat involved, and I’m taking no piss-poor planners. You wanna go? Get your bags packed, be down or be done, holla at me on I shall keep a log of The Movement.